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시각중심의 세상 속에서 눈으로 바라봐야 하는 그림을 놓고 눈으로 바라보는 것만으로는 진위를 알 수 없는 것들에 대하여 이야기하고 싶었다. 그리고 어느 날 소금이 물 속에서 녹아 사라지는 모습을 바라보며 소금 그 자체에 주목하기 시작했다. 어느덧 소금은 나의 작품세계를 있는 그대로 가장 온전히 표현해낼 수 있는 예술적 도구가 되었으며, 나의 예술은 소금을 통해 세상에 놓여지고 있다.



I wanted to make an artwork that talks about that there are so many things in the world that you can't tell the truth by simply looking through your eyes. And one day when I saw the salt getting melt out of the water and seemed to disappear at the end, it began to draw my full attention. Now salt has become my artistic tool to express my own artworld.

Wall Gazing Series / 면벽 시리즈


During an interview from Les Inrocks Magazine after performing

'Preservation of Peace' with salt at Bataclan Theater, Paris, France.

평화를 보존하다(바타클랑극장, 파리) 소금 퍼포먼스 이후 Les Inrocks 잡지사와 인터뷰

<Wall Gazing>

Wall-gazing is an old Eastern method of training that takes control of one's inner self against a wall. There was always a wall in front of me, in my mind and daily life. But I do not want to avoid it anymore. Rather, I want to overcome it by facing it. I want to instill peace in the hearts and daily lives of those who see my 'Wall Gazing' works.



면벽은 벽을 마주 대하고 자신의 내면을 다스리는 오래된 동양의 수련방법이다. 내 앞에는 늘 벽이 있었다. 마음 속에도, 일상 속에도. 그러나 나는 더이상 피하고 싶지 않다. 오히려 그것을 바라보며 극복하고 싶다. 나의 면벽 작품을 바라보는 이들의 마음과 일상 속에 평화를 불어 넣고 싶다.

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Wall Gazing no.1 Peace

mixed media on wood panel, 162x130cm, 2018

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Wall Gazing no.2 Bataclan

mixed media on wood panel, 162.2x112.1cm, 2018

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Wall Gazing no.3 untitled

mixed media on wood panel, 80.3x116.8cm, 2018


Wall Gazing no.5 full but empty

mixed media on wood panel, 112x162cm, 2018


Wall Gazing no.6 blue and red

mixed media on wood panel, 72.7x90.9cm, 2018

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Wall Gazing no.7

mixed media on wood panel, 116.8 x 91.0cm, 2018


Wall Gazing no.9 27th April 2018

mixed media on wood panel, 162.2 x 130.3cm, 2018


Wall Gazing no.10

mixed media on wood panel, 162.2 x 130.3cm, 2018

Preservation Series / 보존 시리즈

감정적 눈물, (원거리 이미지).jpg


Salt is one of the oldest preservatives that mankind had found to preserve food for survival. I want to transfer the nature of the preservation that salt has into artworks. This will become a series of works that are fully preserved with the precious values I want to capture.​​


소금은 생존을 위해 식량을 보존해야 했던 인류가 발견한 가장 오래된 보존제이다. '보존하다 (Preserve)'의 또 다른 의미가 '소금에 절이다'인 이유 역시 그러할 것이다. 나는 소금이 가지고 있는 보존의 성질을 작품 속으로 옮기고 싶다. 내가 담고자 하는 소중한 가치들이 온전히 보존되어 있는 작품들을 만들고 싶다.


Emotional tears

salt and mixed media on canvas, 116.8 x 91.0cm, 2018


Emotional tears

salt and mixed media on canvas, 116.8 x 91.0cm, 2017


Emotional tears

salt and mixed media on canvas, 116.8 x 91.0cm, 2017


Salt no.36 Mind map

salt, gold powder and mixed media on wood, 80.3x116.8cm, 2017


Salt no.35 Mind map

salt, gold powder and mixed media on wood, 80.3x116.8cm, 2017


Salt no.34 Mind map

salt, gold powder and mixed media on wood, 80.3x116.8cm, 2017


Salt no.31 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steal, 112x112cm, 2017


Salt no.30 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.29 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.28 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.27 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.26 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.25 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.24 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.23 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt no.21 Preservation

salt and mixed media on stainless steel, 104x104cm, 2017


Salt Sculpture with light painting Series

​소금조각 빛의 그림 시리즈

<Salt sculpture with light painting>

​We observe the world through light. But I want to be a soul that shines by itself rather than a body that looks reflected in the light. And when I look at the object, I want to love the inner beauty that shines beyond the light. I hope that the inner beauty that shines on itself will someday reach people through my art, just as the distant star of the universe reaches the Earth through time and space.

<소금 조각 빛의 그림>

우리는 빛을 통해 세상을 관찰한다. 그러나 나는 빛에 반사되어 보이는 육체보다는 스스로 빛을 내는 영혼이고 싶다. 그리고 대상을 바라볼 때에도 빛에 반사되어 보이는 겉모습보다는 그 너머에 빛을 내는 내면의 아름다움을 바라보며 사랑하고 싶다. 마치 머나먼 우주의 별빛이 시공간을 뚫고 지구에 도달하듯이, 스스로 빛을 내는 내면의 아름다움이 나의 예술을 통해 사람들에게 언젠가 닿기를 바란다.


Salt sculpture and a light portrait of Zayed

salt and mixed media on transparent acrylic panel, LED light panel, 91 x 66cm, 2018


Salt no.20 The first human

salt and mixed media on transparent acrylic panel, LED light panel, 225x200x200cm, 2016

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Salt no.19 Ahn Jung geun

salt and mixed media on trasparent acrylic panel and LED panel, 91 x 66cm, 2015

코엑스 미디어전시.jpg

Moonlight on the city

Moon(2015)'s image transferred into media art, COEX Crown media screen, 2018

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